Friday, February 1, 2013

My Two Views

I like this photo better of this cactus plant. I like how at this angle pointed up from near the base makes the plant seem very full and quite large from that angle. Have the angle looking up at the plant helps make the cactus looked enlarged instead of taking a picture looking down on it seeming very small. Taking the picture from this angle also made the leaves look dark and full because it is the underneath and close up. I also like this picture better because it is large and fills out the picture making it the center of attention unlike the second photo. This seems to be a more interesting view. 


I think that this picture compared to the first one shows how different a plant can look at different angles. This picture was taken straight on and a little further away making the plant look small and insignificant. The light is coming through the window and lightened up the leaves making it a lighter green and making it look less dark and full like the first photo. This seems like an ordinary photo of a plain old houseplant (Actually residence hall plant) but when taking the picture at a different angle like the first then it more interesting and the focus of your attention when looking at the first photo. This photo you can see the plant but you can also see the bulletin board, table, and posters. 



  1. Hi Rachel
    I like your photos of the christmas cactus. I think that the contrasting colors are great. I like the one you chose because like you said it is the main thing in the shot. I think the other one is really good as well it allows us to see the plant of to the side a little bit which creates a focal point for the shot. I found It is hard to chose which one is the best in my shots. I really liked the one you took from the top as well I think it gives us a totally different view of the cactus and does a great job of contrasting the colors. Thanks for your photos. Maria

  2. You really have done an excellent job with lighting, angle, and composition in all of your shots.

  3. Rachel,
    I like the angle that you took in the picture on the bottom. I think that although there are objects in the background it doesn't really take away from the object that you are focusing on. I feel that the cactus is still the main focus.
    Good job!

  4. The second picture is just too far away- the background is distracting and the detail of the plant is lost - nice perspective but not my favorite. The first picture is better - the plant definitely fills the picture and I like how you can see the ridges of the leaves - lots of detail. However I think there is too much of the yellow pot and I still find the background slightly distracting. My favorite of your pictures is the 1st in your other 5 views. By looking down I think the plant becomes the main focus and the pot is secondary. Also the sun is glinting off the leaves with lots of shades of green and detail in the leaves -even more than the second picture I think. I also find the background less distracting and you might be able to crop out the chair. Three very different perspectives - good job!

  5. I like the first picture because it is very clear. The leaves have a lot of detail and the plant does look much fuller.
