Friday, February 22, 2013

Assignment #2

The first thing that I did was find something to take a picture of on my campus. I chose this beautiful gazebo. I thought before I looked at the picture I would like the picture with the gazebo centered, I realized when I uploaded it I was wrong. I like the picture with the gazebo to the right side so that you get the entrance to the college building. It balances it out. I also like the picture with the gazebo to the side because the sky is brighter blue. This is because my picture wouldn't upload right so I had to retake it on a later time so it was a little darker. I think that some pictures look better with the object centered but some do not. This picture looks better with it off centered.


  1. Hi Rachel
    I agree the first one the walk makes you want to look left and right as if you are trying to look around the gazebo. In the second shot the walkway invites to look into to shot at the doorway, then as an added bonus you can focus to the right and see a great gazebo. Thanks Maria

  2. Both picture came out good but I think the off centered picture is stronger. I really like the sky in the off centered picture as well.

  3. Rachel, you did a great job with these photos. I like the offset one the best. The lighting and the sky make the photo look nice. Good job!
