Friday, February 8, 2013

My Macro Collage


  1. Hopefully everyone likes this. I had a lot of fun finding things to take pictures of. :)

  2. I like this collage. It's great how you really focused on finding so many textures to take pictures of. I also had a lot of fun going through my house finding things to take pictures of. I felt like I could spend a whole day just taking different pictures like this.

  3. I agree with Shannon you found great textures!

  4. Hi Rachel
    I like the warm colors and textures of the objects you choose to take pictures of. Also the arrangement you choose looks really nice and makes me want to look at each part of the picture. Great job Maria

  5. I think this is one of favorites! I love the patterns in your pictures. You did a great job at compiling various patterns and textures and making them mesh really well.

  6. Your collage came out very good! I think you did a great job of capturing a great variety of textures.

  7. Excellent! Try another where you allow them to take up all the space and go beyond/be cropped by the edges.

  8. I like the focus on different textures and the limited palette of grays, greens, and yellows.

    1. This is a very neat collage. I like how all the colors blend together. Some of them are neat just because you can't tell what they are.

  9. Great collage! I really like the shell in the upper right corner you got a great focus on this and shows every little detail with the spirals. Also the picture of the pine tree came out great as well I feel as if it could be a Christmas card or a piece of stock photography.

  10. Incredible! I think it is great how you captured SO many objects abstractly, that it is difficult to identify what it is. BUT it doesn't matter because the objects take on a whole new identity so close up. Just Love it!! I think we have a competition here people :)

  11. Rachel- great job. It is a very diverse collection of objects. It really makes you focus on each object to determine (or try to) what it is- from the waffle, plant, fur to all the textures. A lot of neutral and natural colors that make me think of nature in winter (without all the colorful blossoms).
