Sunday, February 17, 2013

Different Lighting Situations

For the second part of the photo assignment, we had to take a picture of something in different kinds of light. I thought that  this would be fun and I also tried to do this with a tree outside because that is trying to use natural light and not using the light inside your house. Unfortunately I had a hard time with this and everytime I wanted to take pictures it seemed to be cloudy. Even though the weather wasn't the best for this I saw the difference in lighting from when I did it in the morning, middle or the day, and around sunset. In the morning although it was cloudy the light was coming more from the back of the tree facing me taking the picture but like we saw or read in this weeks lesson the clouds created a blanket which created indirect light and spread it over the area instead of directing the sunlight into one spot where it would be more bright. In the middle of the day although still cloudy you can really see that the sun had come all the way up because the picture is much brighter because it is directly above the tree illuminating it better although still covered in clouds. In the last picture, the sun is setting and it is getting darker. The sun is coming from behind me taking the picture opposite of the first picture. With the sun coming from the different angles it accentuates different parts of the tree. In these pictures it is just very mild due to the cloudiness of the days. It would have been easier without the clouds.These pictures are in order from taking them in the morning, noon, and night. Sometime I would like to try this on a sunny day.


  1. Rachel- it was really uncooperative of the weather. I do have to say that the middle picture is definitely much lighter in the sky. The last picture is lighter in the right corner of the sky. I do not see much change in the shadows or detail of the tree. Maybe you could see more detail in the original pictures. I have to say this is one of the disadvantages of living in Vermont- no sun, lots of clouds during winter.

  2. Hi Rachel
    I love the subject. It is hard with natural light. I wonder if the moonlight might have made a fun perspective for this. Though if it has been cloudy all week the moon probably wasn't out. They are wonderful though. It would be a great place to get winter, spring, summer and fall shots. Maria
