Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 7

This week's assignment was very hard for me. I had a really hard time figuring out how to do the most simple things. It was very frustrating but I think my photos turned out pretty good. 

In this picture I just tried cropping the photo to go up close and focus on her pointing to the door. 

In this photo I blurred the background of the messy room and left the main focus to be my friend but added the touch of it being in an oval so it your focus of her sitting. 

In this photo I inverted the colors of the area around her but kept the part with her in it normal. I then also added a black border. I thought this picture was really fun.


  1. Whenever you try anything new, unless it is that easiest thing in the world, you will be frustrated. Especially when you are working under a deadline and just so happen to have all kinds of family emergencies arise. I think you did fine in your exploration of image manipulation on these. I would like to see you use some of the selection tools to copy parts of one image and paste them into another and then manipulate those in some way.

  2. Rachel- nice job. I like the last photo the best. Inverting the colors around your friend really makes her the focal point - framed by the blue.

  3. Rachel- I like how you were able to blur the messy room and put the oval around your friend. I tried to do the oval thing but was unable to figure it out. I was also rather frustrated trying to figure out Photoshop on such a short notice. I did not get the software until Friday night but I am determined and will spend some time practicing. Nice job.

  4. Hi Rachel
    I liked your work this week. I need to work on blurring and color changing as well. Thanks for the inspiration. Maria

  5. Rachel,
    I think your attempt with photoshopping came out pretty well! Like you, I also had a difficult time with this and I'm still trying to figure it out as we speak. I like the last two photos. What i like about them is how your main subject is the focus and you can see that by how everything else is blurred out around it.

  6. I can relate about becoming frustrated. You did a great job though. After watching the videos a few times I seemed to get the hang of it a bit better. I really like the bottom picture best and the way it looks inverted. I had fun with this tool.

  7. I found your second photo to be very effective. I like what you did with it. Great job!
