Saturday, March 16, 2013

Photo Adjustments

For this photo, I changed the curve on this photo and it made it look darker almost like it is night. 

For this photo, I took out colors and simplified them. It left it only black and white. 

For this photo, I changed the background of the photo to a gradient of orange and yellow to look like a sunset in the snow picture. I thought it was very cool. 


  1. Hi
    I tried using my winter scenes as well but could not cut around the trees the way I wanted to . Yours is really fun with the colors highlighted on the snow in the shot. This week was a new level of learning for me. Great job editing. Maria

  2. you've done a wonderful job thank you for sharing. I love the winter picture against the orange too!!! I had problems trying to cut around several of my objects like Maria also :-/

  3. It took me a really long time to figure it out. I had fun trying though.

  4. I love the bottom photo. You did a great job! I love how dramatic it looks.

  5. You did some great work this week. Each picture has its own artistic flar :) Thanks for sharing

  6. Rachel- each of your pictures really creates a different look. Nice job going to the extremes. These are fun tools to play with although I also find them frustrating when they don't do what I thought they would.

  7. Rachel, I really liked your image with the orange sky. The contrast between the orange and the white is very neat. Well done!
